Our Team

Melissa Heumann

Melissa Heumann


"The artist must train not only his eyes, but his soul"- Melissa Heumann.

Jacob Katrice

Kamila Katrice

Lead Designer

"Creativity is nothing but a set mind free"- Kamila Katrice

Nicholas Doe

Nicholas Doe


"While drawing, I discover what I really want to say"- Nicholas Doe

Our Values


Respect is very important; not just to our staff, but to our customers.
In every aspect, from learning, to teaching, we expect everyone to treat
everyone the way they want to be treated.


We must have trust in everyone, because otherwise we will not be able to
progress a lot. Even in learning, we need to trust our students for using the
materials properly, in any every possible.


We must work together as a team to achieve a masterpeice. For example, "Building
can not be done by one man, it takes an entire community to build something
."- A famous quote by Nicholas Doe